Funders and Sponsors
In addition to our primary funding body, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI is supported by the following funders. Note that this list changes from year to year.
- Canadian Heritage
- Health Canada
- Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
- Government of Prince Edward Island
- Department of Workforce and Advanced Learning
- Skills PEI
- City of Charlottetown
- City of Summerside
- Town of Alberton
- Town of Cornwall
- Town of Montague
- Town of O'Leary
- Town of Souris
- Town of Stratford
- Community of Tignish
Grants and Donations
- Atlantic Lottery Corporation
- Brown's Volkswagen
- CapServCo Limited Partnership
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
- CIBC Community Investment
- Confederation Centre of the Arts
- Downtown Charlottetown, Inc.
- Edward NewTech Ltd.
- Friends of Montague Summer Days
- Girls' Action Foundation
- Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce
- Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS)
- Invesco Enterprise Services
- Justice Options for Women
- Kwik Kopy Printing (KKP)
- Maritime Electric
- MRSB Group
- Provincial Credit Union Ltd.
- RBC Royal Bank
- Respon Wealth Management Corp.
- Special Events Reserve Fund (SERF)
- Summerside Lobster Festival
- Tourism Accomodation Levy - Summerside
- YMCA of Greater Toronto