About Youth Settlement Services

The Youth Settlement Services (YSS) team supports immigrant students registered with IRSA (Kindergarten through Grade 12) and their parents. YSS assists newcomer youngsters to become successful within the Canadian school system, provides guidance and transfer of skills to help them adapt to Canadian culture, and supports them in coping with social, emotional, and family or other relationship-related challenges. Youth settlement workers advocate on behalf of newcomer children and families as needed.

When requested, YSS workers assist teachers and administrators within the Prince Edward Island school system to identify and meet newcomer students' needs and to help resolve any issues between the schools and newcomer students and families.

Some of the services offered:

  • Delivering information sessions on the PEI Public School System for parents and children
  • Supporting parents in the process of school and kindergarten enrollment for their children
  • Interpretation and translation for school-related matters
  • Liaison between school and home
  • Referrals to other IRSA departments or other community services as needed
  • Organization of workshops and activities for students
  • Support for youth engaged in sports, such as providing information and accessing financial assistance

NOTE: Before accessing programs and services mentioned on this page, all clients must be registered with IRSA.

Guide for Newcomers: Information for Parents and Youth

Program Team

Rocío McCallum

Rocío McCallum
Manager, Youth Services

(902) 628-6009 ext. 219

Youth Settlement Services

Carol Ballesteros

Carol Ballesteros
Youth Settlement Worker

(902) 628-6009 ext. 222

Cecilia Andrade Gutierrez

Cecilia Andrade Gutierrez
Youth Settlement Worker

(902) 628-6009 ext. 252

Fadi Saada

Fadi Saada
Youth Settlement Worker

(902) 628-6009 ext. 229

Lily Tran

Lily Tran
Youth Settlement Worker

(902) 628-6009 ext. 255

Rawia Al Shami

Rawia Al Shami
Youth Settlement Worker

(902) 628-6009 ext. 244

Scott Hay

Scott Hay
Youth Settlement Worker

(902) 628-6009 ext. 209

Tammy Caissie

Tammy Caissie
Youth Settlement Worker

(902) 628-6009 ext. 266

Maya Doan

Maya Doan
Youth Settlement Worker

(902) 628-6009 ext. 236

HIPPY Program

Sara Peters

Sara Peters
Settlement Worker

(902) 628-6009 ext. 233

Suzan Ahmar Dakneh

Suzan Ahmar Dakneh
Settlement Worker

(902) 628-6009 ext. 204